Report It

: Quick Links and Descriptions

The links below are to report information about an incident, behavior, or to access resources within the Springfield College community. If you're unsure which link to use, please review the descriptions below or contact the Division of Campus Life and Inclusion at 413-748-3100 or for assistance.

If you are reporting an emergency and require immediate attention, please contact the Springfield College Department of Public Safety at (413) 748-5555.

Report It Quick Links

  • Accessibility Issue / 504-Grievance Click here to submit an Accessibility Issue report
  • Bias Incident Click here to submit a Bias Incident report
  • General Reporting Form Click here to submit a General report
  • Pride Pantry / Food Needs Click here for the Pride Pantry Order Form
  • Student Emergency Fund Click here to submit a Student Emergency Fund report
  • Student of Concern (Academic and Well-Being Concerns) Click here to submit an SOC report
  • Title IX and Gender-based Misconduct Click here to submit a Title IX Report

Report It Links with Descriptions

Accessibility Issue / 504-Grievance

Initiate access and accommodation requests for out-of-classroom services or share issues or concerns related to access and accommodations at Springfield College by utilizing this form. Upon completing this form, the Director of Non-discrimination Initiatives or designee will confirm receipt and follow-up with you, with requests for additional information if necessary. Intake may also be completed in-person by making an appointment with the Director of Non-discrimination Initiatives or their designee. For questions or concerns, please contact the Director of Non-Discrimination Initiatives at or (413) 748-3248.

Click here to submit an Accessibility Issue report

Bias Incident

A bias incident includes but is not limited to the use of racial, ethnic, religious, sexual or anti-gay slurs and/or symbols of hate. This also includes physical attacks, intimidation, threatening action or language, and damage to personal property because of a student’s race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic background, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or disability. This form is for the use of current students, faculty, or staff from Springfield College. Please provide detailed information regarding the bias incident you are reporting. Once the form is received, a member of BIRT will review the information and take appropriate action, which may or may not include contacting the student, you, and any others you have identified. If you have any questions related to completing a Bias Impact Reporting Form, please call (413) 748-3922 or email

Click here to submit a Bias Incident report

General Reporting Form

Use this form to share your concern/s related to an incident/s involving an alleged violation of the Springfield College Student Handbook. If this is an EMERGENCY, CALL Public Safety at x5555 (413-748-5555). Do not use this form to report events that present an immediate threat to health or safety. Reports are reviewed during normal College business hours and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official College holidays. While reports from this form are reviewed by a variety of campus partners working to assist students, it is NOT designed for emergency response situations. Emergency response situations should be reported immediately to Public Safety. For assistance during College business hours, please contact Community Standards at 413-748-3922 or

Click here to submit a General Reporting form

Pride Pantry/Food Needs

The Pride Pantry is Springfield College's food pantry that serves graduate and undergraduate students who are experiencing food insecurity. Students can view what foods are available through this Pride Pantry Inventory and request food through this Pride Pantry Order Form. The Pride Pantry is located at The Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement at 385 Eastern Avenue, (corner of Eastern and Shillingford, near Public Safety in a blue 3-story house). Individuals will be given a non-identifying number at their first visit. No income verification required.

Donations are currently accepted in two ways:

  • Non-perishable food items that can be dropped off in Room 335 of the campus union or call 413-748-3394 or email to schedule a pick-up day and time from your office.
  • A check made out to Springfield College with Pride Pantry in the memo line. This will be put into a campus fund so food can be purchased for the pantry. Checks can be dropped off or sent to the Center for Service and Leadership at Springfield College.

Click here for the Pride Pantry Order Form

Student Emergency Fund

The Student Emergency Fund is designed to assist students who encounter an unexpected, short-term financial hardship that may jeopardize their ability to successfully continue their education. This funding is not intended to replace or supplement existing financial aid. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible for consideration, a student must:

  • Have a financial hardship resulting from an emergency. An emergency is defined as a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation that creates an acute financial need requiring immediate action.
  • Be a matriculated student at Springfield College. Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least nine credits and graduate students in at least six credits in the term the emergency funds are being requested for.
  • Be able to demonstrate financial hardship due to an emergency situation or for unanticipated circumstances.
  • Provide proof of the emergency. Past emergencies will not be considered.

Click here to submit a Student Emergency Fund report

Student of Concern (SOC)

The purpose of the Students of Concern (SOC) Team is to provide support for students who have been identified by the Springfield College community as being in academic jeopardy or a risk to themselves and/or the community. This form is for the use of current students, faculty, or staff from Springfield College. Please provide detailed information regarding the concern you are reporting. Once the form is received, a member of the SOC Team will review the information and take appropriate action, which may or may not include contacting the student, you, and any others you have identified. If you have any questions related to completing a SOC report, please call (413) 748-3922 or email

Please Note: Students needing assistance with a documented disability can work with Disability and Accessibility Services to request academic accommodations. For additional information please contact, or (413) 748-3389

Click here to submit an SOC report

Title IX and Gender-based Misconduct

Gender-based Misconduct (including harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, stalking). This form is designed to provide students, employees, faculty, vendors, visitors, or others with an on-line method to report specific information related to an alleged incident(s) of discrimination, harassment (including gender-based misconduct), or retaliation. The Gender-based Misconduct policy that can be found in the College's Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy, found here. For questions or concerns, please contact the Director of Non-Discrimination Initiatives at or (413) 748-3248

Click here to submit a Title IX Report