What is PrideSpace Wifi?
Residence halls have a special WiFi available that is designed for Smart Tvs, streaming devices and game systems. ITS sends each resident student separate unique credentials to access this system, usually at the beginning of the academic year or when notified of a change of residence hall. Those credentials are unique to the user and restricted to the residence hall of record.
PrideSpace should never be used on laptops, cellphones, tablets, or any other device that is being moved around campus. Instead use Eduroam WiFi. There is no advantage to having both WiFi connections setup on a device, as they are broadcast from the same radios/access points. Having them both setup on the same device often cause problems because the device switches back and forth between them, which causes interruptions in Internet service.
What to do if you can't connect to PrideSpace Wifi
Are the credentials you are using the ones ITS sent you at the beginning of the academic year?
PrideSpace credentials expire annually, and ITS resends them at the beginning of a new academic year. If you don't have current credentials, email tsc@springfield.edu with the subject line "Requesting PrideSpace Credentials for [INSERT RESIDENCE HALL NAME]" and someone will respond within 2 business days or sooner.
Have you recently changed residence halls?
PrideSpace credentials are tied to specific residence halls, and the PrideSpace credentials will not work automatically in the new one. If you change residence halls, ITS is not always notified so it is best to email tsc@springfield.edu with the subject line "New Residence Hall, Requesting PrideSpace Credentials for [INSERT RESIDENCE HALL NAME]" and someone will respond within 2 business days or sooner.
Some devices work and other do not...
The good news is that your credentials work since one or more devices are connecting. If possible, we want all of them to be able to connect. Here are some basic troubleshooting steps:
- Try forgetting the PrideSpace wireless network on the device that won't connect. Sometimes, an incorrectly typed or previously used password is saved on the device. Forgetting the wireless network and then trying to reconnect will allow you to correct this. The process will vary from one device to another, so check the manufacturer's support documents/website.
- Update the firmware on the device. Sometimes devices have bugs that don't always allow them to connect. This is often corrected by running the device's software/firmware update process. The process to do this will vary from one device to another, so check the manufacturer's support documents/website. If the device needs an internet connection to do this, you may need to use your phone as a WiFi hotspot, the wired Internet/network connection found in most rooms, or bring the device home to update it. ITS cannot directly support the devices you bring to campus and wish to connect, however, if you email tsc@springfield.edu ITS will make a reasonable attempt to provide suggestions to get the device working.
Your gaming device is connected, but certain types of multi-player/co-op games don't work correctly
Though we try to bring the best Internet experience to students, this is still an enterprise network and that makes it work differently from a home network. We don't guarantee everything that works on a home network will work here. Some games that require bidirectional (incoming and outgoing) connections directly to your gaming device may not work due to network design. Most games will work fine, it all depends on how the developer implements this functionality. If it doesn't work, there is nothing ITS can do to resolve it.
Still having trouble?
At this point it is best to email tsc@springfield.edu with the subject line "Trouble Connecting to PrideSpace in [INSERT RESIDENCE HALL NAME]" and someone will respond within 2 business days or sooner.